Media & Identiti: Gay: Semula jadi atau pilihan sendiri


Bagaimana anda menjelaskan diri anda? dan perkara apa yang paling penting dalam menjelaskan identiti anda? Adakah jantina, bangsa atau etnik, orientasi seksual, status anda kelas, kewarganegaraan, agama, umur atau kepercayaan politik anda? Adakah terdapat satu bahagian identiti anda yang menonjol dari yang lain, atau adakah perubahan identiti anda bergantung kepada yang anda dengan, apa yang anda terlibat dalam, di mana anda berada dalam hidup anda?


Menurut American Psychological Association (n.d.) gay merujuk kepada individu lelaki homoseksual ataupun ciri-ciri menjadi seorang homoseksual yang mempunyai persaan ataupun menjalinkan hubungan seksual dengan sesama lelaki. Menurut American Psychological Association (n.d.) lagi menjelang abad ke 21, peratusan individu yang menjadi gay semakin meningkat. Dalam blog My World pula, gay adalah rasa ketertarikan romantis dan ataupun seksual antara lelaki dengan lelaki (

A gay couple having relationship difficulties

               Giddens (1991) mengatakan bahawa identiti kendiri adalah hasil daripada proses pemodenan yang berlaku di dunia masa kini. Giddens (1991) juga mengatakan bahawa pada zaman pre moden, identiti adalah diberikan oleh masyarakat dan ianya adalah statik. Pada zaman moden ini, keadaan adalah bertentangan; individu mencari identiti mereka sendiri dan proses pencarian identiti adalah berterusan dan identiti yang sedia ada sering diubahsuai berdasarkan kemahuan peribadi. Suatu ketika dahulu, kaum lelaki dimestikan mempelajari seni mempertahankan diri untuk kelihatan gagah dan mampu melindungi pasangan hidup (kaum wanita). Kini, ramai kaum lelaki yang mempunyai perasaan terhadap jantina yang sama malah ada yang ‘mentranformasikan’ diri menjadi sama seperti kaum wanita.

               Berdasarkan blog My World, gay dikatakan merupakan pilihan dibawah sedar. Hal ini bermakna mereka membuat pilihan untuk menjadi gay atas kerelaan sendiri seperti yang dikatakan Giddens (1991) tentang proses pembentukan identiti. Namun begitu, penulis blog My World memberitahu bahawa identiti seperti gay dan lesbian sebenarnya sukar untuk diubati kerana ianya bukan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kuman atau virus yang mempunyai vaksin tersendiri. Ianya memerlukan rawatan terapi yang mendalam dan secara teratur dari pihak yang berkaitan seperti psikologis dan agamawan ( Blog My World ( memfokuskan kepada golongan lelaki yang mempunyai perasaan terhadap sesama lelaki. Dalam ruangan komen dalam blog tersebut, terdapat banyak komen yang negatif dan memandang serong terhadap penulis. Namun begitu, penulis dan tetamu blog yang berada dipihak yang sama memberikan respon dengan mengaitkan unsur-unsur hak asasi manusia dengan golongan LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transeksual).


Faktor-faktor gay

Menurut Kerbeny dan Karl (2005) faktor-faktor seseorang individu itu terlibat dengan lingkungan atau kehidupan gay adalah disebabkan oleh

1. keluarga.

Faktor keluarga adalah disebabkan oleh pengalaman atau trauma pada masa kanak-kanak serta mempunyai hubungan yang tidak baik dengan ibu-bapa mereka sendiri.

2. keadaan sekeliling.

Keadaan homoseksual atau gay khususnya bukanlah bawaan atau secara azalinya mereka dilahirkan sebagai seoerang homoseksual. Namun, keadaan atau keterlibatan seseorang dalam kehidupan gay adalah disebabkan oleh pengalaman mereka sendiri. Contohnya mereka dikelilingi oleh gay serta pengalaman yang mereka miliki dari mereka kecil sehingga mereka dewasa.

3. biologi.

Faktor biologi ini adalah wujudnya suatu dimana seseorang lelaki menyukai teman sejenis mereka dan hal ini adalah disebabkan oleh hormone dalam badan mereka.

4. individu itu sendiri.

Faktor individu atau faktor peribadi ini adalah berasal daripada proses lanjutan pembelajaran semasa mereka kecil. Hal ini dapat dilihat apabila mereka telah terbiasa bersama dengan kaum sejenis serta merasa selamat dan selesa apabila bersama dengan kaum sejenis.

5. Selain daripada itu, anatara faktor lain adalah disebabkan oleh keinginan hawa nafsu yang menyenangkan dan tidak dapat ditolak serta mereka merasakan kebersamaan mereka dengan hubungan jentina yang berlawanan adalah tidak setanding dengan hubungan sama jentina. Hal ini juga boleh disebabkan oleh ketakutan mereka terhadap pasangan atau jentina yang berlainan jantina menyebabkan respon erotik menjadi pasif.

6. Faktor terakhir adalah disebabkan oleh peranan utama aktivis seksual. Kini ramai aktivis yang memperjuangkan hak kebebasan dalam hubungan. Adanya aktivis seperti ini menyebabkan golongan gay terasa dilindungi dan mempunyai sokongan, hal ini menyebabkan mereka akan meneruskan aktiviti meraka (Kertbeny & Karl, 2005)

Ciri-ciri GAY

Pada umumnya sebahagian besar individu gay sama seperti lelaki normal lainya, mereka mempunyai bentuk tubuh dan penampilan sama dengan lelaki normal lain. Selalunya lelaki gay bahkan akan kelihatan lebih macho dan gagah.
Selain itu, sebahagian daripada individu gay cenderung untuk menyukai perhiasan seperti gelang atau rantai. Biasanya individu gay lebih gemar untuk menggunakan gelang atau rantai emas atau perak.
Dari segi penampilan, individu gay lebih senderung kelihatan berpenampilan rapi dah kemas bahkan ada yang menunjukkan ciri-ciri feminine dalam penampilan mereka. Sebahagian besar golongan gay akan menandai diri mereka dengan tindik ditelinga, bahkan coler baju V sering dikaitkan dengan individu gay.
Dari segi perasaan pula, individu gay dikatakan sebagai seseorang yang mempunyai sikap yang lembut dan mempunyai perasaan yang sangat sensetif bahkan dalam kehidupan seharian mereka kelihatan biasa, namun mereka sangat mementingkan kesempurnaan dalam tugas atau bidang yang mereka ceburi.


Online Identiti

Pengenalan internet (juga dipanggil IID), atau persona internet adalah identiti sosial yang seorang pengguna Internet mewujudkan komuniti dalam talian dan laman web. Ia juga boleh dianggap sebagai persembahan aktif dibina daripada diri sendiri. Walaupun sesetengah orang lebih suka menggunakan nama sebenar mereka dalam talian, beberapa pengguna Internet lebih suka menjadi tanpa nama, mengenal pasti diri mereka melalui nama samaran, yang mendedahkan jumlah yang berbeza daripada maklumat pengenalan diri. Identiti dalam talian mungkin ditentukan oleh hubungan yang pengguna kepada kumpulan sosial tertentu mereka adalah sebahagian daripada talian. Ada juga yang boleh mengelirukan mengenai identiti mereka. Dalam konteks dalam talian, termasuk forum internet, perbualan dalam talian, dan secara besar-besaran berbilang talian peranan-bermain permainan (MMORPGs), pengguna boleh mewakili diri mereka secara visual dengan memilih avatar, imej grafik icon besar. Hi kawan adalah satu pengguna cara menyatakan identiti dalam talian mereka. [1] Sebagai pengguna lain berinteraksi dengan identiti dalam talian (

Media dan Identiti

“Lapan Rangkaian Sosial untuk Lelaki Gay”. Pengasas web akan melancarkan rangkaian sosial untuk lelaki gay  Untuk melihat sekitar ruang rangkaian sosial gay lelaki dalam talian. Niche rangkaian sosial  perniagaan yang berdaya maju kerana mereka membenarkan fungsi khusus dan masyarakat yang merasa subjektif berbanding dengan laman kepentingan umum berusia 15-25 tahun. Ramai orang mahu terlibat dalam rangkaian sosial, tetapi ramai orang lebih suka rangkaian mempunyai minat dan rasa kebersamaan atau sekurang-kurangnya semua orang yang adalah seorang lelaki gay. Seperti yang anda boleh lihat dengan profil singkat berikut, laman-laman ini menyasarkan demografi dengan dua ciri-ciri yang sama (lelaki gay) semua sangat berbeza. Sebagaimana terdapat kepelbagaian jenis lelaki gay di dunia, mungkin ada ruang untuk pelbagai laman rangkaian sosial gay lelaki – menganggap mereka mampu membina massa kritikal yang mencukupi untuk pengewangan dan daya maju kewangan. (

Perkahwinan pasangan gay yang pertama


Avoiding Heterosexual Bias in Language (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2015 from American Psychologist (Committee on Lesbian and Gay Concerns (American Psychological Association, Inc) website

Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and self identity. New York: Stanford University Press. Mitos dan fakta tentang gay (n.d.) Retrieved March 21, 2015 from My World website

Kertbeny, M. & Karl. . (2005). Geneology and Identity. New York: Edition Rodopi, B.V.

Veneziani.V. (Oct 11, 2006). Eight Social Networking Sites for Men Who Love Men. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (Access April 21, 2015). Online Identity. Retrieved from

Perubahan penggunaan “media mudah alih”: Kebergantungan kepada telefon bimbit


Rich Ling (2004), menerangkan bahawa ciri yang paling sesuai bagi telefon mudah alih ialah yang boleh dibawa ke mana sahaja. Berbanding dengan telefon model pertama, yang berbentuk seperti mesin besar, dan sangat berat, kedua-duanya dibina ke dalam kereta, dan kemudian kepada telefon berat tetapi mudah alih. Manakala telefon bimbit hari ini adalah begitu kecil dan nipis yang  boleh dimuatkan ke dalam poket dan digenggam dalam tangan (Stald, 2008).


Dalam masa yang singkat telefon yang biasa terdapat di pasaran telah dibangunkan secara popular kepada sebuah telefon mudah alih dan komputer riba dengan data yang mencukupi dan kapasiti kelajuan untuk memudahkan akses Internet, muzik MP3, fotografi, video, permainan grafik yang canggih, dan alat-alat sebagai kalkulator, buku harian, buku nota, jam pengera, GPS, dan banyak lagi (ibid,).


Fungsi yang pelbagai ini telah merubah talifon dari hanya sebuah medium komunikasi interpersonal kepada berlakunya pelbagai bentuk pertukaran maklumat di peringkat pengguna dan peringkat teknologi seperti: rakan sebaya (mudah alih) kepada rakan (mudah alih/Internet/Messenger), majikan dan pekerja di tempat kerja dan sebaliknya. Perkembangan teknologi memudahkan penggunaan yang pelbagai dengan lebih meluas dan bermakna (ibid,).

Internet ataupun jalur lebar seolah-olah telah menjadi keperluan hidup yang mesti dipenuhi dalam masyarakat di zaman moden ini (Bickham, 2003).


Dunia semakin berubah

Seperti dalam blog artikel sebelum ini, kita sudah sedia maklum tentang corak perubahan yang berlaku dalam segenap lapisan masyarakat kesan daripada teknologi media yang semakin canggih. Telefon bimbit ‘touch screen’ atau smartphone telah mengambil alih peranan telefon bimbit lama yang menggunakan papan kekunci seperti telefon bimbit model Nokia 3310 yang semakin dilupakan dewasa kini. 1G merupakan generasi pertama bagi telefon bimbit, diikuti oleh 2G, 3G, dan yang terkini adalah 4G ( ) Telefon pintar generasi 4G direkacipta berlandaskan rangkaian computer moden dengan penggunaan data berkelajuan tinggi (100Mbit/s sehingga 1Gbit/s) yang membolehkan pengguna melayari internet bila-bila masa dan di mana sahaja (

                 Kecanggihan media melalui telefon pintar masa kini membawa kepada terciptanya aplikasi-aplikasi seperti Whatsapp, Wechat, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Navigation, OfficeSuite dan sebagainya. Semua aplikasi tersebut membolehkan pengguna berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain dan mendapatkan maklumat dengan pantas tanpa mengira jarak dan waktu. Tahun demi tahun, corak penggunaan media bergerak berubah dalam masyarakat terutamanya dalam hubungan sosial keluarga dan masyarakat. Menurut Brandtzaeg dan Heim (2007), kecanggihan media memudarkan sempadan antara pencipta dan pengguna, serta audiens dan pelaku. Corak perubahan penggunaan media tersebut bergantung kepada akses terhadap jalur lebar.

Bukan saja pelbagai maklumat boleh dicapai di hujung jari dengan kadar segera, jaringan perhubungan juga semakin meluas hingga jarak jutaan batu bukan lagi penghalang.
Lama kelamaan, seolah-olah wujud kebergantungan bagi manusia terhadap teknologi ini kerana hampir apa saja urusan pada hari ini boleh dilakukan menerusinya

Keluarga Siber

Pada zaman sebelum adanya telefon pintar dan internet berkelajuan tinggi, ahli keluarga hanya berhubung apabila perlu sahaja dan komunikasi pada masa itu sangat terbatas dan memerlukan kos yang tinggi. Kini, jarak dan masa tidak lagi menjadi kekangan untuk ahli keluarga melepas rindu. Anak yang bersekolah di ‘seberang laut’ boleh dihubungi bila-bila masa sahaja, malahan boleh bertemu secara ‘face-to-face’ di alam siber melalui aplikasi seperti Skype dan Wechat.

41727_skype          20130320_140927_203.gif

Bagi anak-anak remaja, perubahan dapat dilihat dari segi masa yang mereka peruntukkan untuk media dan jalur lebar (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, (2010). Perkara ini memberi impak terhadap kehidupan harian mereka. Sebagai contoh, anak remaja zaman dahulu tidur sebelum pukul 12 malam, tetapi peningkatan teknologi menganjakkan masa tidur mereka ke pukul 3-4 pagi. Hal tersebut menyebabkan prestasi hidup mereka merosot dari segi sosial iaitu pergaulan harian dengan keluarga dan masyarakat.

“Sebagai contoh, apabila berada dimeja makan bersama keluarga, gadjet masing-masing lebih diutamakan berbanding bersembang secara face-to-face antara satu sama lain”.




Kewujudan aplikasi-aplikasi terbaru dalam dunia media elektronik memberi impak besar kepada dunia pekerjaan. Suatu ketika dahulu, sebelum berkembangnya 1G kepada 4G, para pekerja bergantung kepada teknologi ringkas dan kebolehan sendiri semata-mata. Dalam era .com ini ramai yang menggunakan telefon pintar untuk membantu dalam pekerjaan mereka. Sebagai contoh, wartawan kini boleh memuat turun aplikasi ‘Recorder’ dalam smartphone mereka untuk tujuan sesi temu ramah. Bagi yang bertugas dalam bidang pendidikan pula, mereka boleh menggunakan aplikasi seperti Whatsapp untuk berbincang sesuatu topik dengan pelajar apabila berada diluar masa pembelajaran.

Kehidupan Seharian

Fenomena: Tidak boleh hidup tanpa telefon mudah alih

“I recently left my phone at home on a work day and I genuinely felt panicked without it. My phone is now my email device, camera, games console, Twitter dashboard and social network controller all rolled into one” – Emma Barnett.


Menurut akhbar ‘Press pool laporan yang ditulis oleh Detroit News Washington Biro Chief David Shepardson, Obama meninggalkan White House tidak lama selepas jam 10:30 pagi dan menaiki helikopter, Marine One, yang membawanya ke lapangan terbang untuk penerbangan beliau. Shepardson melaporkan bahawa Obama menaiki helikopter ” serta-merta” dan kembali ke Rumah Putih.

 “Saya terlupa sesuatu,” kata Obama.

 Apabila beliau kembali ke helikopter, wartawan yang berada di sana bertanya kepadanya tentang apa yang beliau tinggalkan. Beliau mendedahkan bahawa ia adalah Blackberry beliau.barack-obama-blackberry

Pada kali ini kami akan membincangkan kebaikan dan keburukan keatas kebergantungan individu terhadap aplikasi-aplikasi di telefon mudah alih contohnya seperti penggunaan media sosial yang cuba kami maksudkan adalah seperti facebook, Twitter, Wechat, WhatsApp, Instagram dan banyak lagi. Media sosial seperti ini sememangnya sangat popular dalam kalangan masyarakat masa kini terutamanya kepada golongan muda. Hazayani Zakaria (2015) menyatakan bahawa “pemuda sebenarnya satu generasi yang begitu berkesan dengan penggunaan media baharu ini kerana rata-rata pengguna media baharu ini dalam kalangaan abak muda”Oleh sebab itu, tidak hairanlah kalau kita dapat melihat pelajar sekolah rendah mempunyai akaun facebook atau media sosial lain.



Michael Burawoy (2013),  seorang Profesor Sosiologi berbangsa Amerika dan British berucap dalam satu wacana yang bertajuk “Pergerakan Sosial dalam Zaman Neo-liberalisme” di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) menyatakan bahawa pergerakan sosial di seluruh dunia telah berjaya melakukan pelbagai desakan keatas kerajaan tertentu kerana mendapat sokongan menyeluruh melalui penggunaan rangkaian sosial dan akses terbuka di internet seperti Facebook, Wikipedia dan WikiLeaks. Pergerakan sosial seperti Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring dan pergerakan Anti-Nuclear telah berjaya menganjurkan demonstrasi jalanan di seluruh dunia melalui penggunaan laman web sosial. Walaupun peserta demonstrasi tidak bersemuka dengan rakan-rakan mereka di Negara lain, mereka dapat berbincang strategi pergerakan mereka melalui rangkaian sosial itu sahaja. (

     Berdasarkan kajian“Pergerakan Sosial & Media Sosial: Satu kajian kualitatif Occupy Wall Street” yang telah mengfokuskan kajiannya keatas hubungan diantara dua bidang besar iaitu pergerakan sosial dan media sosial dimana mempunyai hubug kait antara satu sama lain. Laporan ini telah menganalisis maklum balas dalam salah satu pergerakan sosial terbesar dalam sejarah Amerika iaitu Occupy Wall Street 2011, dimana media sosial telah memainkan peranan yang besar digunakan sebagai alat untuk berkomunikasi dan mengumpul maklumat di kalangan mereka yang terlibat dalam gerakan. Kajian ini juga menjelaskan bahawa media sosial akan tetap menjadi alat yang membawa kepada pergerakan sosial dan perubahan sosial terutama lagi di zaman digital abad ke -21.


1. Memudahkan komunikasi  perhubungan jarak jauh.

Dari sinilah kita dapat melihat betapa besarnya peranan telefon mudah alih kepada masyarakat hari ini.  Memudahkan komunikasi dalam perhubungan jarak jauh. Komunikasi penting untuk membentuk masyarakat harmoni, tanpa komunikasi yang baik kita tidak akan mencapai sebarang kata sepakat dan kesatuan itu tidak akan wujud. Oleh sebab itu, dengan kemudahan teknologi yang paling digemari kerana memudahkan individu untuk berhubung dengan rakan-rakan, keluarga atau kenalan baru mereka. Jenis laman sosial seperti yang telah kami berikan di atas mudah untuk diakses kerana hanya memerlukan jaringan internet dengan kos yang murah dan perkhidmatan untuk mendaftar laman sosial ini adalah percuma kepada semua pengguna. Oleh sebab itu, kita dapat melihat sebab musabab laman sosial seperti facebook, wechat dan WhatsApp ini adalah diminati. Laman sosial ini juga mudah diakses ke mana sahaja dan setiap pengguna boleh berhubungan dengan rakan atau keluarga mereka walaupun individu tersebut berada di luar negara. Maka, sempadan dan lautan tidak menghalang perhubungan antara individu dengan orang lain.

2. Berkongsi minat pandangan

Kebaikan lain yang kita dapat lihat dalam laman sosial ini ialah masyarakat dapat memberikann pandangan mereka sendiri tentang sesuatu isu. Laman sosial sering dijadikan tempat meluahkan pandangan mereka terhadap isu-isu semasa seperti isu politik, ekonomi, dan sosial. Contohnya, laman sosial seperti facebook sangat popular dan kini kita boleh membuka beberapa akaun disebabkan pendaftarannya adalah percuma dan mudah. Selain meluahkan pandangan masing-masing di facebook, seseorang itu juga dapat berkongsi perasaan dan gambar dengan rakan-rakan mereka. Setiap maklumat atau berita juga cepat disebarkan. Situasi ini juga mampu memberikan kemudahan kepada pihak kerajaan atau organisasi untuk memberikan maklumat-maklumat penting kepada rakyat. Selain itu, pemimpin dapat berhubung terus dengan rakyat melalui aplikasi laman sesawang tertentu. Masalah rakyat juga dapat didengar, serta langkah segera boleh diambil. Menurut Hazayani Zakaria (2015),berkata bahawa “kita selalu menegur pemimpin-pemimpin kita untuk lebih berhemah dari segi penggunaan media baharu dan kita selalu mengingatkan pemuda agar menggunakan media dalaman untuk meluahkan pandangan mereka tentang masalah dalaman yang berlaku dalam parti”


1. Penipuan

Penyalahgunaan teknologi yang ada. Keburukan yang dapat dilihat dalam laman sosial ialah penipuan maklumat. Hal ini demikian kerana, laman sosial seperti Facebook Twitter, Wechat dan lain-lain adalah percuma didaftarkan dan boleh memiliki lebih daripada satu akaun. Maka, sesiapa sahaja boleh memalsukan maklumat mereka tanpa pengetahuan orang lain dan gambar dalam akaun mereka boleh dikatakan bukan wajah sebenar. Penipuan ini berlaku sekiranya seseorang itu terlalu percaya kepada rakan yang mereka baru kenal, sememangnya tidak salah untuk mendapat kenalan baru tetapi perlu ambil langkah berhati-hati. Kebanyakan masyarakat mudah tertarik dengan wajah dan pekerjaan rakan baru mereka, serta janji-janji yang ditawarkan memudahkan seseorang itu terpengaruh. Buktinya, kita dapat mendengar banyak berita tentang percintaan melalui laman sosial dan ada juga yang ditipu oleh warga asing dan sanggup untuk mengeluarkan duit mereka demi untuk memiliki pasangan dari warga asing kerana dijanjikan untuk tinggal di negara mereka. Contohnya, Haradzana Awang Seman yang berumur 39 tahun, hampir terlibat dalam kes penipuan melalui laman sosialapabila sanggup membayar RM 2 350 untuk membantu kenalan baru yang dikenalnya. Haradzana telah menerima pesanan ringkas bahasa inggeris daripada Herry James dari United Kingdom (Sinar Harian, 2013).

2. Masyarakat yang pasif

Keburukan lain yang dapat dilihat atas kebergantungan terhadap telefon mudah alih ialah cenderung mewujudkan masyarakat yang pasif. Sebagai contoh, laman sosial digunakan untuk mengeluarkan pandangan, pengalaman, perasaan dan berkongsi gambar. Tetapi kebergantungan kepada laman sosial menjadikan masyarakat takut untuk meluahkan pandangan mereka kepada organisasi atau kerajaan secara bersemuka dengan menggunakan medium yang seharusnya. Kebergantungan ini juga menjadikan seseorang itu, lebih aktif di laman sosial berbanding di hadapan masyarakat. Selain itu, ada juga yang mengambil kesempatan untuk melemparkan  fitnah dan menyebarkan berita palsu dilaman sosiall Contohnya, seorang suspek berumur 25 tahun  ditahan kerana telah menyebarkan gambar cebisan daging manusia yang dikatana Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor isteri kepada perdana menteri (Astro Awani, 2014). Sekarang kita dapat melihat disekeliling kita terutamanya rakan-rakan kita sendiri, biasaya mereka aktif dalam mengeluarkan pandangan mereka dalam laman sosial seperti Facebook, tetapi apabila berada di dunia sebenar iaitu di alam nyata mereka kurang berkomunikasi dengan orang sekeliling kecuali rakan-rakan mereka sendiri. Hal Ini memberi kesan yang sangat buruk kepada  masyarakat kini terutamanya generasi muda. Kita tidak mahu golongan muda yang bakal mentadbir negara kita menjadi orang yang pasif dan hanya berada di zon selesa sehingga tiada perkembangan untuk masa depan.


Astro Awani. (2014, April 24). Pemiliki akaun Facebook hina Rosmah ditahan polis. Astro Awani. Diambil daripada

Barnett, E. (Feb 16, 2012). Why we can’t live without our mobile phones. Retrieved from

Bickham, D.S., Vandewater, E.A., Huston, A.C., Lee, J.H., Caplovitz, A.G. & Wright, J.C.(2003). Predictors of children’s electronic media use: An examination of three ethnic groups. Media Psychology, 5, 2: 107-137.

Clark. E. (2012). Social Movement & Social Media: A qualitative study of Occupy Wall Street. Communication and Cultural Analysis. Södertörn University. pp. 1-67.

Evolution of the G. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from One Arena website

Heim. J.,& Brandtzæg, P.B. (2007). Patterns of media use among citizens in Europe. User groups and user communities in countries hosting citizen media. Testbeds. P6-2005-IST 41 (038312), CITIZEN MEDIA, D.1.1.1. Available online:

Hazayani Zakaria. (2015, April 11). Media baharu: pemuda PAS serius teguran Tuan Ibrahim. Harakah daily. Diambil daripada

Information technology. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2015, from School of Medicine University of Miami website

Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, (2010). Social media and mobile internet use among teens and young adults. Princeton Survey Research Associates International /Reports/2010/ Social_Media_and_Young_Adults.aspx

Sinar Harian. (2013, September 15). Nyaris jadi mangsa penipuan laman sosiall. Sinar harian. Diambil daripada

Stald, G. (2004) “Mobile Identity: Youth, Identity, and Mobile Communication Media.: Youth, Identity, and Digital Media. Edited by David Buckingham. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008. 143–164. doi: 10.1162/dmal.9780262524834.143

UKM News Portal. (Februri 1,2013). Kejayaan Pergerakan Sosial Kerana Adanya Rangkaian Social Di Internet. Diambil dari

Walker, H. (November 21, 2014). OBAMA: ‘I Forgot My Blackberry’.  Business Insider. Retrieed from

Video Review: Modern Family


Claire’s computer becomes the hub of all the family’s activities when she gets stuck at the airport and is desperate to reach Haley after a big fight. After Face Timing with Phil and the rest of the family to help track her down, Claire quickly turns to online snooping which inevitably becomes disturbing real quick and everyone gets sucked into the online drama.


Akhbar Bercetak VS Blog: Video Viral Cik Aisyah Berkenaan Isu Hudud di Kelantan.


Berita yang kami pilih untuk dianalisa adalah berita berkenaan dengan isu video Cik Aisyah Tajuddin  yang telah menjadi viral di dimedia massa dan menjadi isu perbualan banyak pihak. Video yang menggambarkan Cik Aisyah telah mempersoalkan isu hudud di Kelantan melalui video yang telah dimuat naik di saluran youtube. 

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Kami akan menganalisa isu ini berdasarkan daripada akhbar bercetak dan blog respon dari penulis-penulis blog. Melalui dua medium ini kami akan melihat daripada skop persamaan dan kelainan yang ditunjukkan oleh dua medium ini. Kami akan mengfokuskan analisa daripada aspek  penulisan dan gaya bahasa yang digunakan.



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Dalam akhbar yang dicetak dan blog di alam maya kedua- duanya mempunyai satu tujuan iaitu untuk menyampaikan maklumat. Tetapi bagi akhbar bercetak tujuan untuk menyampaikan maklumat dapat dilihat secara terang- terangan. Sebagai contoh bagi akhbar bercetak kami memilih untuk menganalisa akhbar Sinar Harian dan Harian Metro. Mengapa kami memilih dua akhbar bercetak ini? Kedua-dua akhbar ini merupakan akhbar yang diketahui umum. Maka kami memilih akhbar ini bagi memudahkan pembaca kami mengetahui tentang akhbar tersebut dan bersama-sama dengan kami dalam menganalisa akhbar dan blog.

Akhbar Bercetak

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Dalam akhbar Sinar Harian, terang-terangan akhbar itu ingin menunjukkan apa yang dikatakan oleh cik Aisyah adalah salah disisi agama sebagai seorang yang beriman. Sinar Harian menggunakan bekas peserta Program Mimbar Pencetus Ummah (PU), PU Rahmat atau nama sebenarnya Rahmat Ikhsan Mohd Sofyan sebagai medium untuk membalas segala tomahan cik Aisyah terhadap hudud di Kelantan (Rajak, 2015). Antara petikan dalam Sinar Harian yang menunjukkan akhbar ini tidak bersetuju dengan video cik Aisyah tetapi PU Rahmat cuba mematahkan hujah cik Aisyah dengan membawa idea agama.

Kritik hudud tidak beriman? Saya pun tidak setuju kenyataan ini sebab apa, kritik mengkritik menambah pembaikan. Sayidina Umar, Sayidina Abu Bakar…Rasulullah SAW dikritik. Cuma barangkali Aishah hanya baca kepala akhbar…kepala tajuk sahaja berkaitan dengan menteri besar gelar orang yang tidak beriman kritik hudud. (Rajak, 2015)

Sinar Harian menunjuk posisi membantah isi yang di utarakan oleh cik Aisyah dengan memfokuskan PU rahmat sebagai medium untuk menyampaikan maklumat yang hudud bukan mimpi tetapi cita-cita seorang Islam yang beriman.

Itu merupakan intipati akhbar Sinar Harian yang ingin sampaikan. Berbeza dengan akhbar Sinar Harian, Harian Metro lebih berminat untuk menyampaikan maklumat berkenaan BFM media dan Projek Dialog meninta maaf berkenaan video cik Aisyah yang membangkitkan sentimen orang Islam di Malaysia.

Justeru, kami ingin meminta maaf jika ada pihak yang tersinggung berikutan video berkenaan. Video itu bermatlamat sebagai komentar satira yang menyentuh persoalan sama ada pelaksanaan hudud seharusnya menjadi keutamaan oleh pihak kerajaan dan perundangan di Kelantan, katanya dalam kenyataan itu. (Hassan, 2015)

Kedua- dua akhbar bercetak ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan maklumat kepada pembaca tetapi pendekatannya agak berbeza. Dimana Sinar Harian menggunakan PU Rahmat bagi mempersoalkan isu hudud yang dibangkitkan oleh cik Aisyah. Manakala Harian Metro tidak berminat menyokong mana-mana pihak, sama ada pihak cik Aisyah yang membangkang hudud di Kelantan atau pihak yang menentang memburuk- burukkan cik Aisyah.


Bagi akhbar bercetak tujuan mereka adalah menyampaikan maklumat kepada pembaca dan tujuannya lebih terang, bermaksud pembaca boleh mengetahui intipati akhbar dengan lebih cepat. Blog juga bertujuan bagi menyampaikan maklumat tetapi cara penulisannya lebih bebas. Bagi blog kami memilih untuk menganalisa 3 blog, blog, blog dan blog OH! MEDIA.


Blog Hasrulhassan bertujuan menyampaikan maklumat dengan menyatakan apa yang dilakukan oleh cik Aisyah merupakan satu kesalahan apabila terang terangan mempersoalkan keputusan kerajaan Kelantan terhadap perlaksanaan hukum hudud. “Oh, alangkah malangnya gadis ini, kerana ceteknya ilmu berkaitan hudud, terus lantang dengan gediknya mengkritik perlaksanaan hukum dan undang-undang hudud di negeri Kelantan oleh Kerajaan Negeri” (Hassan, 2015). Blog Hasrulhassan menyampaikan maklumat berdasarkan pendapat penulis sendiri dan pendapatnya dikukuhkan dengan  pandangan daripada Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahya. Blog Hasrulhassan mimilih cara yang kurang diragui pandangannya apabila penulis menyatakan pandangan seorang professional (mahir bidang agama) dalam blognya.


Bagi blog, penulisnya lebih berminat berkongsi informasi bersama pengikut blognya. Blog ini banyak mempamerkan video tentang cik Aisyah yg di ‘upload’ di pelbagai laman sesawang. Jelasnya bagi penulis blog ini, dia hanya ingin berkongsi kepada pengikut blognya tentang isu yang hangat sedang diperkatakan sekarang dan mendengar ulasan pengikutnya tentang isu tersebut (Fitrihadi, 2015). Blog OH!MEDIA mempunyai persamaan dengan akhbar Harian metro.

Berikutan kejadian tersebut, BFM telah menarik balik video tersebut dan memohon maaf kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Bagaimanapun pihak mereka agak kesal dengan serangan peribadi yang ditujukan  kepada pengacara video tersebut, Aisyah Tajuddin yang menerima ugutan bunuh dan rogol. (Video Hudud Isu Periuk Nasi, 2015)


Blog OH!MEDIA juga memfokuskan penulisannya terhadap BFM memohon maaf, seperti mana ahbar Harian Metro melaporkan. Tetapi akhbar dan blog memang mempunyai persamaan dalam menjadi medium untuk menyampaikan maklumat kepada pemabaca. Tetapi skop kupasan sesuatu isu itu mempunyai perbezaan. Seperti blog OH!MEDIA skopnya sama seperti Harian Metro tetapi blog ini juga menyampaikan maklumat dalam bentuk yang lebih bebas buktinya, “Psst: So Malaysia defenders of hudud are willing to kill, rape a woman simply because she disagree with Kelantan’s punishment system?” (Video hudud isu periuk nasi, 2015). Dalam kesamaan isi penulisan OH!MEDIA dan Harian Metro ada diselitkan sedikit kelainan apabila blog lebih menyuarakan pendapat penulis. Blog atau akhbar bercetak kedua-duanya mempunyai persamaan dalam bertujuan untuk menyampaikan maklumat tetapi cara kedua-dua medium ini berbeza.


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Perbezaan awal yang cuba kami tunjukkan adalah perbezaan antara akhbar bercetak dan akhbar online.

Akhbar bercetak mudah diperoleh sama ada di bandar atau luar bandar dan harga juga berpatutan dan membolehkan masyarakat memilikinya. Akhbar bercetak ini juga mengandungi pelbagai jenis berita sama ada dari tempatan, antarabangsa, hiburan dan lain-lain. Selain itu, akhbar bercetak ini mempunyai kandungan berita yang lebih tepat, dan lengkap. Akhbar secara online adalah lebih mudah di akses oleh masyarakat melalui jaringan internet. Masyarakat boleh mendapat berita secara online dengan percuma dan ada juga bayaran bulanan. Sebut sahaja percuma, maka berita yang disampaikan adalah tidak selengkap berita dalam akhbar yang bercetak. Tindakan ini juga akan mengalakkan masyarakat untuk memilih akhbar bercetak. Selain itu, menurut Sapora Sipon (2008), “Satu kajian di Jerman pada tahun 1997 menunjukkan dua pertiga subjek kajian masih lagi memilih membaca berita melalui surat khabar bercetak berbanding secara online atas sebab-sebab tertentu terutama sekali kepuasan psikologi”.


Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, kini akhbar secara online ini boleh diakses melalui telefon pintar, ini memudahkan masyarakat untuk mendapatkan berita terkini di mana-mana sahaja, ini sudah menjadi tarikan kenapa berita online lebih digemari berbanding dengan cetak. Selain itu, kita juga dapat mencari sesuatu isu itu dengan lebih mudah apabila menggunakan berita online berbanding dengan akhbar cetak walaupun berita tersebut telah berlaku beberapa tahun.


 Apabila bercakap sahaja tentang berita dengan blog, di sini kita akan terus dapat melihat perbezaan antara dua medium tersebut. Apa yang kita lihat ialah kesahihan sumber maklumat tersebut. seperti yang kita sedia maklum berita yang disampaikan melalui akhbar bercetak dan online menggunakan maklumat yang lebih tepat. Hal ini kerana, mereka mendapat maklumat tersebut melalui temu ramah dan melihat sendiri kejadian ataupun berada dilokasi. Sudah semestinya berbeza dengan blog kerana penyampaian maklumatnya adalah secara bebas. Oleh itu, penulis blog akan mengutarakan pendapat mereka sendiri, dan apabila sebut sahaja tentang pendapat, sudah semestinya akan melibatkan emosi mereka. contohnya, apa yang ditulis oleh blog dalam blognya adalah “Oh, alangkah malangnya gadis ini, kerana ceteknya ilmu berkaitan hudud, terus lantang dengan gediknya mengkritik perlaksanaan hukum dan undang-undang hudud di negeri Kelantan oleh Kerajaan Negeri”. Selain itu, kita juga sedia maklum bahawa pelajar universiti  akan dicengah untuk menggunakan blog sebagai sumber rujukan mereka dalam mana-mana tugasan yang diberikan

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Menjimatkan masa dan kos

Perkembanagn teknologi telah mendatangkan banyak kebaikan kepada pelbagai pihak. Dengan perkembangan teknologi, manusia boleh mendapatkan maklumat dan berhubung dengan hanya menggunakan hujung jari mereka sahaja. Perkembanan teknologi telah memudahkan seseorang mengakseskan diri dalam media elektronik atau media atas talian.

Dewasa ini, media elektronik seakan telah menjadi salah satu keperluan penting dalam dalam kehidupan manusia. ini kerana, media elektronik boleh dikatakan sebagai sumber maklumat utama bagi kita bahkan bagi setiap manusia yang terdapat di dunia ini. Kebanyakkan daripada kita lebih gemar terlibat dalam media eloktronik kerana media elektronik mudah untuk didapatkan. Media elektonik dapat membantu kita mendapatkan maklumat yang ada di sekeliling kita atau pun yang berada jauh di pelusuk lain dengan mudah dan cepat tanpa harus kita bersusah paya untuk pergi ke sesuatu tempat untuk mengetahui maklumat tersebut. Ini kerana kita hanya perlu menaip ‘laman sesawang’ maklumat yang kita minati dan dengan sekelip mata maklumat tersebut akan terpampang depan mata kita. dengan itu, media elektronik boleh menjimatkan masa dan kos kita untuk mendapatkan maklumat. Seseorang tidak perlu untuk mengeluarkan kos setiap hari dan tidak perlu untuk menunggu untuk hari berikutnya bagi mendapatkan maklumat. Dek kerana media elektronik cepat dari segi waktu serta sangat cepat menyampikan berita yang ingin disampaikan.

Memupuk sikap rajin membaca

Setiap manusia mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi. Namun, disebabkan kekangan masa dan kos mereka akan melupakan keinginan mereka untuk mendapatkan maklumat tersebut. Dengan media elektronik, masa dan kos untuk mendapatkan maklumat adakah mudah dan tidak memerlukan kos yang banyak. Ini akan menyebabkan seseorang tertarik untuk mencari dan membaca maklumat yang mereka mahu tanpa harus bersusah paya bergerak ke sesuatu tempat bagi mendapatkan maklumat tersebut. Dengan kemudahan yang disediakan oleh media elektronik, masyarakat akan lebih tertarik untuk membaca. Dengan sikap membaca ini, masyarakat tidak akan dilabel sebagai ‘otak cetek’, kerana kemudahan media serta maklumat dihujung jari ini telah memudahkan seseorang untuk mendapatkan maklumat serta mengetahui isu-isu yang berlaku di sekeliling mereka atau yang berlaku pada tempat lain.


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Media ‘bias’  Salah faham?

 Dalam era globalisasi ini, pelbagai maklumat boleh diperoleh dengan sekelip mata melalui hujung jari sahaja. Jika ingin tahu tentang satu isu terkini, klik sahaja mesin pencari ‘Google’ dan taip kata kunci perkara yang ingin dicari, anda akan mendapat ribuan malah jutaan maklumat daripada sumber yang berlainan seperti Wikipedia, Blog, WordPress, YouTube, dan sebagainya. Namun begitu, lambakan maklumat ini boleh menyebabkan salah faham dalam kalangan pembaca. Hal ini adalah kerana maklumat yang disampaikan adalah berbeza antara satu sumber dengan sumber yang lain meskipun ianya membahaskan isu yang sama. Sebagai contoh, dalam blog Scaniaz, Gerbang Informasi Dunia Maya Anda ( perbuatan Aisyah Tajudin yang dikatakan mengkritik hudud melalui video yang dirakamnya sendiri, diberi respon dari perspektif yang positif. ‘positif’ disini tidak bermaksud menyokong perbuatan Aisyah tersebut, tetapi menggunakan cara nasihat yang berlapis dan tidak menggunakan perkataan yang kesat. Dari sudut lain, blog Bicara Perjuangan ( pula menggunakan pendekatan yang berbeza. Blog tersebut menyatakan akibat serta ancaman yang bakal menggugat keselamatan Aisyah kesan daripada tindakannya itu dengan penggunaan kata-kata yang tidak sepatutnya.


Pernyataan Ibrahim, Ghafar, dan Zakaria (n.d.) tentang isu media ‘berat sebelah’ menyokong maklumat di atas. Berdasarkan Ibrahim, Ghafar, dan Zakaria (n.d.), media ‘berat sebelah’ atau ‘bias’ adalah fenomena dimana sesebuah pihak memutarbelitkan maklumat ataupun terlalu menyebelahi satu pihak dalam karya penulisan mereka yang disampaikan kepada orang awam. Hal ini menyebabkan orang awam yang membacanya terpengaruh dan mula memberikan penghakiman tersendiri kepada isu yang diterima.

Fungsi wartawan berkurang.

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 Seperti yang dinyatakan di atas, zaman sekarang adalah zaman lambakan maklumat. Hampir setiap individu bebas untuk mengutarakan atau membahaskan sesuatu isu tidak kira dalam laman sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook, Google+, dan Weibo, ataupun media elektronik lain seperti Blog dan WordPress. Perkara ini mengakibatkan media cetak seperti majalah dan surat khabar semakin kurang menarik perhatian awam. Menurut Priyonggo (n.d.), peranan wartawan dalam memberikan maklumat dan informasi kini semakin kurang efektif. Hal ini menyebabkan profesion dalam dunia kewartawanan semakin menuju ke lembah kepupusan. Kaul (2013) menyatakan bahawa dewasa ini, manusia berinteraksi hampir 24 jam sehari, 7 hari seminggu. Oleh yang demikian, kemunculan wartawan-wartawan ‘tak bertauliah’ telah  mengurangkan kemerosoton ‘peminat’ media cetak.  Kaul (2013) menjadikan perkara ini sebagai faktor utama yang menyebabkan segelintir wartawan kehilangan pekerjaan.




Media merupakan medium perantaraan yang penting dalam menyampaikan maklumat kepada masyarakat. Terdapat pelbagai jenis media yang mengeluarkan liputan tentang pelbaga berita seperti di televisen, radio,  surat khabar, mediaelektronik dan sebagainya. Ramai rakyat Malaysia yang menanti liputan tentang pelbagai isu  dari semasa ke semasa tidak kira bangsa, agama, dan peringkat umur.  Pada awal dahulu surat khabar merupakan medium yang penting dalam menyampaikan liputan. Oleh itu, media seharusnya menggunakan bahasa yang mudah difahami oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat yang berperigkat. Seterusnya, media juga berperanan sebagai medium utama menyampaikan maklumat yang dapat memberikan kebaikan kepada masyarakat seperti mengeluarkan berita berbentuk positif agar dapat membentuk fikiran positif masyarakat dan tidak hanya menghasilkan berita untuk mengaut keuntungan semata. Ini sesungguhnya menunjukkan media dapat merubah pemikiran dan tanggapan seseorang.

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Selain itu, media juga seharusnya menyampaikan berita yang tepat dan terkini tidak hanya sekadar ingin menarik minat pembeli sahaja. Sebagai contoh, BERNAMA atau Berita Nasional Malaysia adalah agensi berita rasmi kerajaan yang telah ditubuhkan dibawah akta Parlimen 1967 untuk memberi hak eksklusif mengedarkan berita, gambar, data ekonomi dan kewangan, dan bahan-bahan lain. BERNAMA sentiasa menjalankan penyelidikan untuk meningkatkan kualiti produk dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatannya yang antara lain termasuk menyiarkan maklumat kewangan , berita yang pantas, perkhidmatan perpustakaan, penghantaran siaran akhbar atau maklumat secara global dan pengurusan acara, foto dan audio visual. Terkini kemudahan internet telah membuka peluang yang luas pada BERNAMA bagi menyalurkan perkhidmatan berita dan maklumatnya secara terus kepada orang ramai melalui laman webnya sendiri ataupun laman-laman web yang lain.


Walaubagaimanapun, CIJ ataupun Center for Independent Journalism menggambarkan terdapatnya tanda-tanda bahawa media di Malaysia tidak bebas sepenuhnya dan ia dikawal oleh parti atau individu atau pihak yang berkepentingan. CIJ pada tarikh 31 Jan 2011 telah mengeluarkan berita yang bertajuk Tolak sekatan Internet; mansuhkan Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan, Akta Hasutan. Dimana kandungannya telah membantah Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan dikenakan terhadap penulisan dan bahan media tertentu di internet seperti blog, twitter, facebook dan banyak lagi. Juga menolak “peraturan hasutan siber” dari dijalankan dan sekaligus menggesa kerajaan untuk memansuhkan Akta Hasutan kerana terlalu menyekat masyarakat dan tidak lagi sesuai digunakan di dalam masyarakat moden dan masyarakat demokratik sekarang (Center for Independent Journalism, 2011).

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Mohd Azizuddin (2005), menyimpulkan bahawa “without the press, there is no freedom of expression”. Malaysian media should create well-balanced reports for public needs and government policies” (Mohd Azizuddin, 2005).


“Mengenai BERNAMA”. (2013). Retrieved from

Center for Independent Journalism (2011). Kenyataan Bersama Masyarakat Madani: Tolak Sekatan Internet, Mansuhkan Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan, Akta Hasutan. Retrieved From

Fitrihadi. (2015, Mac 19). (Viral) Video Wanita Persenda Kelantan dan Hukum Hudud. Dirujuk daripada

Hassan, H. (2015, Mac 20). Video BFM Radio Aisyah Tajuddin Jadi Viral Hina Hudud. Dirujuk daripada

Hassan, M. S. (2015, Mac 21). Bukan niat personal hudud. Harian Metro. Dirujuk daripada

Ibrahim, N.A., Ghafar, Z.A., & Zakaria, N.S. (n.d.). Media berat sebelah: Media bias. Retrieved from

Kaul, V. (2013). Journalism in the age of digital technology. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Volume: 3. 125-143

LAWs of Malaysia. (2006). Act 301: Printing Press Publication ACT 1984. Retrieved from

Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani. (2005). Media freedom in Malaysia. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 35(3), 341-367

Priyonggo, A. (n.d.). Merevisi jurnalisme sebagai profesi di era digital: Telaah pengaruh teknologi media baru dalam praktik jurnalistik di Indonesia. Retrieved from

Rajak, R. H. (2015, Mac 22). Hudud: PU Rahmat jawab Aisyah BFM. Sinar Harian. Dirujuk daripada

Sapora Sipon. (2008, Febuari 11). Menentukan pilihan pembaca. Utusan Online. Dirujuk daripada

Video Hudud Isu Periuk Nasi, Aisyah Tajuddin Terima Ugutan Rogol dan Bunuh. (2015, Mac 20). OH! MEDIA. Dirujuk daripada

Gender and Consumption of New Media: In Class Activities

Across all media, men more frequently report on all news topics, but inequality is particularly pronounced in topics such as world politics, business, economics, technology and science. Below are the recent researches that show the result based on genders. Well basically our post this time is just looks like the research but the different is we use this is just a simple study on our classmate. Let’s look into more deep in our post.

(Resouces: Women’s Media Centre: WMC Media Watch: News Media Gender Gap Report


Online gender divide: women waste less time online than men.


Safetica Ireland, the provider of employee monitoring software, commissioned a survey from Amárach Research, carried out among more than 500 Irish employees to find out what kind of things they did online at work while not working. Resource taken from

Gender attitudes to social media poles apart

New gender-based research reveals the differing activities of men and women when using social media, enabling marketers to better formulate their social strategies.

Resource taken from

xgender-thumb-380xauto-2830.png.pagespeed.ic.8baR54R8PUu44dPsIT-3While women are more likely to post images of their dinner, and share the recipe on social media, men are more likely to be reading the news or watching video on their device, according to the research from

Mobile Media Consumption By Gender, March 2013 [CHART] –


Nielsen-Smartphone-iPad-Consumption-by-Gender-in-Mar2013-June2013See more at:




This is our research that being participate about 10 respondents. The respondent consist of 5 men and 5 women. Basically the research want to see any difference on knowledge on new media according to genders. Before you read our blog, there is a question that you have to ponder. The question is if you a men readers, how many phone do you have? what brand of laptop you use? how many account of social chat do you have? like whatsapp, Wechat or Facebook. But if you a women, the question that you need to ponder is basically same like men but there is addition question, how many time consumption on your own new media?. Readers must wondering, why we emphasis time on women, right? So lets take a tour on our post, to know more. Enjoy!

Brand that being use according to genders


This graph is to measure which brand is mostly being used among youth nowadays. This graph also would like to determine is gender affecting the number of user on branded name of laptop. In this graph shows that between boys and girls have their own preference branded name of laptop. In the graph shows that men are more common to the brand name like Acer, Asus, Lenovo and Samsung while girls are frequent to Acer, Asus and Hp. For the branded name like Acer is being use by both gender and likely women and men are more prefer to use this brand because there are 3 women and 2 men that use its brand and Acer have the most higher user compare to other brand. Looks like Acer brand are more popular to youngster, is it? Do not agree with us? Is Acer brand equal to popular or cheap brand of laptop? You decide which one is your choice because the choice is yours. The other brand of lap top that being used among men respondent is Asus, Lenovo and Samsung, these others brand respectively get one user for each brand. While for women, Asus and Hp are the other brand of laptop that being used among respondent. There is one woman respondent had more than two laptop which is Hp and Asus.


The number of Phone that being used according to genders


This graph is functioned to highlight the brand name of smartphone that being used by youngsters. We try to analyze whether any different among genders with the preference of brand name of smartphone. Besides that, in this graph also we try to know about the quantity of phone that being user for each respondent. The number of men user for smartphone can be seen in the graph which are are exactly the same for Lenovo, Samsung and Nokia which is 2 person but the men respondent is only 5 person. This happened because there is 1 respondent have two smartphone with both brand name of Nokia. For the men respondent actually they are buddies, so is there any influential in preference brand of smartphone between them? That can be a reason for mostly they had same brand of phone because for each brand in the graph respectively have 2 person.

While for the women respondent the higher number of brand smartphone user is Sony because there are 3 respondent uses Sony as their preference brand of smartphone. While other brand name of smartphone that being use by women respondent are Asus, Ninetology and Lenovo respectively had 1 user. Branded name of smartphone that being use among women respondent are consider varied because there 4 brand name of smartphone that being use among women compare to men which is only 3 brand name. By observing women’s branded name of smartphone, we notice that there is 1 respondent also like men which is has more than 1 smartphone. She had 2 smartphone with brand name of Sony and Lenovo. The number of Sony user are higher among women, is Sony could be consider as a trend among young women nowadays? What you said? Do you also is a woman that use a Sony brand? Make a comment why do you choose Sony as your preference brand name of smartphone?

smartphonestabletsIn our questionnaire, we would like to know how much number of phone that one person could have. So we ask about the quantity of smartphone and dumb phone that they have. Among men respondent, they are 2 respondent have dumb phone with brand name of Samsung and Sony while for women nil of them had dumb phone. So in this finding shows that men had more phones (Smartphone and dumb phone) compare to women. The higher number of phone among men respondent in this finding makes us puzzle. Why men need more phone?


If think in positive way those phone might function specifically like one for entertainment, the second one for academic like assignment colleagues and last for personal contacts. Do readers agree with us? If not, feel free to comment based on your own opinion. But if think in negative ways, those phones might function as two things which are for his entertainment and personal device like having an affair. On the perspective of  smartphone quantity that being had by one person could not be differentiate among genders because in our findings shown that both gender had more than 1 smartphone, so we conclude that quantity of the phone basically based on their financial ability.

Number of other new media according to gender

new media

Youngster is more frequent with trend topic. Youngster mostly likes to follow the trend, always being up to date with the latest new media. That is the function of this graph. We would like to observe is our respondent could be classifies as the trendy youngster. Let’s see the result of our questionnaire. To differentiate between women and men, which genders is more alert about the new media?In graph shows that men are more alert about new media because they had more new media compare to women. There are 2 men had Tablet, 1 men had DSLR and 2 men had digital camera. Surprisingly, in the graph show that both gender had game console, both of them had PSP. With the result of both gender had game console show the result of different genders but same game desire. Even they are different in genders but their desire in entertainment is still same, regardless the physical differences. Although Horowitz and Mohun (1998), argue that communications technologies can be similarly gendered where the wireless was gendered male initially because it was primarily aimed at male hobbyists (Maclaran,  Catterall, Hogg & Kozinets, n.d)

Number of email according to gender



In the finding of types of email, we found that mostly our respondent only have e-mail account with Yahoo and Gmail. Based on the graph, we can see there are 1 men use Yahoo account and 5 men use Gmaiaccount as their email account. In this finding, we only ask 5 boys as our respondents but as readers can see on the graph the user is not only 5 people but there are 6 users. This happened is because there 1 man had both account which are Yahoo and Gmail. Besides that, there is another man that had 2 account of Gmail but we consider him as 1 user of Gmaiaccount. In the both issue we conclude that they had their own reason in creating an email account, even they are creating for the same account of Gmail or one account of Yahoo and Gmail, basically they have their own preference and reason. The issue that we more interest to see here are the reason they choose to create Yahoo and Gmail account as their email account.

While for women there are 4 user of Yahoo account and 4 user of Gmail account. The reason that finding happened like that is same like men. We only have 5 women as respondent but there are 3 women have both account which is Yahoo and Gmaiaccount. While the other 2 women have 1 account of Yahoo and another have 1 account of Gmail. If we can see on the findings mostly our respondent for both genders use Gmail as their email account. What is the reason for user to more prefer Gmaicompare to other email account? Is the reason because they are being pressure by surrounding? As UNIMAS students we are provided with Gmail account as our email students to make us easier to contact with lecturer. Is that the reason for our respondent to have more Gmail account compare to other email account.

Number of social media use according to genders

social mediaIn this graph, we would like to see which one of the social media is being preferred by our respondent. Findings show the top three of social media among our respondent are Facebook, Whatsapp and Wechat. Among men the most preferred social media is Whatsapp because all of our respondents have Whatsapp account while for women Facebook have highest number of user among respondent. All of our women respondent have Facebook account but there is a man of our respondent does not have Facebook account. For Whatsapp account all of our men respondent have the account but there is a woman who does not have any of social media except for Facebook. That women respondent that does not have any of social media account except for Facebook is the one who have the most quantity of phones. Has a lot of phone but do not have a lot of apps? Do you is the one like that? Please share to us what is your reason to do so. What is the difference on the preference on social media? Is it related to gender biases which stated women are more like to gossip than communicate formally? Previous research has shown that men use the Internet more than do women, and that men and women use it for different things. Weiser (2000), reported that men compared to women are more likely to use the Internet to search for dates, read the news, look for job leads, get sports and financial information, read politics, and to play games. Whereas women compared to men are more likely to use it for interpersonal communication such as email, chatting & etc (Kimbrough, Guadagno, Muscanell & Janeann, 2013. Facebook is the apps that we could know more about others and the function of youngster to play Facebook mostly to express their emotion and stalk their secret admire. Is this is the treason for women to more prefer to make Facebook account instead of Whatsapp account? Let us know your opinion, do you agree with that assumption or not? The other social media that being used among our respondent is Twitter, Skype, Instagram and News app but those social media is consider lowest among our respondent which is only one user.


Time consumption on email according to gender

time con

The graph shows that there are about 3 men use their email around 30 minutes and 2 men use their email about 2 hours. The higher time consumption on email among men is 30 minutes because there are 3 people from 5 people will use their email about 30 minutes. Among the men respondent, there are 2 person had 2 email account but their time consumption is very different. One person only use about 10 to 20 minutes to check his email but another man spend about 1 to 2 hour to check his email. The different of time consumption between those two men is maybe based on how they value the email, whether they think their email is important or not or they do an important job? If the answer is yes, they might spend a lot of time on email, if no it is vice versa. For women respondent, the higher time consumption on email is also 30 minutes which is 2 users. There is only 1 user use their email within 31 mutes to 1 hour, 1 hour 31 minutes to 2 hour and 2 hour 31 minutes to 3 hour. For women situation mostly they had two account of email like Yahoo and Gmail but they do not spend a long time on their email.

Time consumption of facebook according genders

facebook con

In the graph show that the time consumption of Facebook user according to gender. The findings are varied between men and women. It can be seen the higher time of consumption of men about 1 hour 1 minute to 2 hour with 3 people, while for women there are two results for highest time consumption which are about 1 hour and 3 hour 1 minute to 4 hour with 2 people. Looks like women spend more time on Facebook compare to men. According to Alexander (1995), males are most likely to use the telephone for ‘big talk’, to transmit and receive information. By contrast, females are more likely use it for ‘small talk’ with family, friends, and so on (Maclaran, Catterall, Hogg, Kozinets, n.d). The lowest time consumption for men as user is 5 hour 1 minute to 6 hour. The reason for this respondent to spend a lot of time on Facebook maybe because he had 2 account of it, so the time consumption is for both account of Facebook. In the graph we can see there is a man that does not have Facebook account. Facebook is consider as one of social media that connect human being regardless the distance. So want do you think the reason this man do not have the Facebook account? There are two words for our answer prediction, which are annoying and useless. Facebook kind of annoying when everyone of our friends need to tell their rubbish annoying status and become useless when user more comfort to chat in Facebook compare to hang out with friends. For women the lowest time consumption of Facebook user is 1 hour 1 minute to 2 hour with 1 person. For our women respondent, all of them have Facebook account. Is this considering women as up to date with new media when they make an account with Facebook. Any oppose with our opinion? If yes, make an argument and let’s argue.


Time consumption on Whatsapp according to gender

wasap con

Once again result of the graph shows time consumption on women is more varied compared to men. The time consumption for men is about 1 hour to 4 hour with 5 people while women the highest one time consumption is 1 hour to 4 hour with 2 person. The lowest time consumption on women user is about 9 to 12 hour and 21 to 24 hour, respectively both have 1 user. The results of men time consumption show a static result which are most of them use Whatsapp around 1 to 4 hour and compare to women there is user on her Whatsapp for 24 hour. Is it shows that men do not very bother this apps compare to women which on this apps for 24 hours a day. The result shows a bit contrast between genders, is this result related to genders characteristic which men are more cool about everything while women are more detail in anything. In the graph also show that there is a woman that does not have Whatsapp account. Even Whatsapp is the second social media that always being used among our respondent but there is still people that does not even bother to follow those trend. Well life is about individual choice, right?

Time consumption on Wechat according to gender

wechat conWechat is the third social media apps that consider popular among our respondents. Based on the graph shows, there are 4 men of Wechat user will use the apps around 1 to 4 hour. While for women they will use Wechat about 5 to 8 hour or 21 to 24 hour, those time consumption have respectively 1 user. As readers can see, mostly our women respondent does not have Wechat apps which are about 3 people while for men respondent there is only a man who does not have Wechat apps. The reason we consider Wechat as the top three apps among our respondent because most of our men respondent have Wechat account. So we would like to show readers that men might have lowest time consumption on apps but mostly they have most of the apps. Men are more common with technology compare to women, do you agree?


Hour spend on Social Media

hours spend on sm

In the graph state the other apps that being use by our respondent. But those apps were not very common for our respondent. Basically respondent that have these apps because their own preference towards the apps. All of those apps only have 1 user according to genders. For Skype, there is only 1 user which is a men and his time consumption toward the apps is about 4 hour per day. News app is another app that being use by our respondent. For this news app there are a man and a woman using this app. The number of user is same which is 1 user but the time consumption are different. For man, he use about 2 hours in this app while woman use this for about 1 hour. Look like the woman only ‘look out’ for very interesting news to be read. Another app that also being use by our respondent is Instagram. The time consumption of this app, women wins with 6 hour per day while man only about one hour. The woman account must full with a lot of selfie photo right? That is because she spend a long time through this app. While for man the reason he makes the account maybe because he follows the trend of youngster or maybe because he wants to release tension by looking of those photos. The last apps that being found among our respondent is Twitter. For Twitter, only woman have this account and her time consumption towards this app is about only 1 hour.


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Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, and Wechat are the main choices of the people on this modern day, especially among the youth. According to Bart (2009), the study from the University of New Hampshire, shows that Facebook and YouTube are more popular among college student and became first choice for them if there talk about social networking. Social media facilitate communication between two or more individuals. But this also brings disadvantages to those who do not use them as best as possible. In each lecture we attended every semester, we can see some university students mainly use their social media furtively even while lecturers are teaching, and this is a bad attitude for students. In addition, we can also see a student that cannot be separated with their mobile phones, and they also have more than one smart phone and also have many social media accounts. Society nowadays also preferred mobile phones or devices that are more sophisticated and branded like Samsung, Acer, Asus and Apple.

In addition, students also spend more time with social sites because they can be easily connected with anyone even if that person was at the other continent. As the time moves on, face-to-face communications are getting less because people prefer to communicate using new media even when they are sitting together. Moreover, they express most of their opinions on social network sites compared with involvement in the classroom. This social networking make a young generation becomes more passive. According to Wood (2014), result from researchers from the Baylor University show that the college student spend 10 hour more than man it is eight hour only by using their phone. Approximately 60 percent of college students from Baylor University say that there are addicted and agitated when they phone not around them. This  show that the phone play a very important role in society in term of negative impacts.



Bart, M. (2009). Do College Students Spend Too Much Time on Facebook, YouTube and Other Social Networking Sites? Retrieved from

Erickson, D. (2013, June 25). Retrieved from

Kennedy, J. (2012, Dec 18). Online Gender Divine: women waste less time more than man. Retrieved from

Kimbrough, A. M., Guadagno, R. E., Muscanell, N. L., & Janeann, D. (2013). Gender differences in mediated communication: Women connect more than do men Behavior. (29) p.p 896–900.

Maclaran, P., Catterall, M., Hogg, M., & Kozinets. (n.d). Gender, Technology and Computer-Mediated Communications In Consumption-Related Online Communities. Retrieved from

Social Marketing. (2014, March 03). Gender attitudes to social media poles apart. Retrieved from

Women’s Media Centre: WMC Media Watch: News Media Gender Gap Report. (2015, March 22). Retrieved from

Wood, J. (2014). College Students In Study Spend 8 to 10 Hours Daily on Cell Phone. Retrieved from increasingly-realistic-possibility/74312.html

Ada dara lu kolot

Just share interesting video, that need the viewers opinion. Ada dara lu is true? what do you think viewers??? This video is an example of new media..Expose our opinion around the world, makes people known that characteristic of modern society? What Do You Think??Comment please..

What is Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)?


    Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is the key for emerging technology computer networks. In networks, people can exchange, store, edit, upload and copy any information. They can send data and messages instantaneously, easily, at low cost, and over long distances. More peoples can look over the information and they could revise it together, consult with each other on critical matters without meeting together or setting up a telephone conference and give assistance interactively (Hiltz & Turoff, 1978; Williams, 1977).

    Computer-mediated communication gives effect on human lives because it really helps modern society life become simpler compare to tradition times. During tradition, technically people are still communicating. In tradition ways of communication does have the speed and energy efficiency like telegram and mail, but not the aural or visual feedback of telephoning. In modern globalization, Computer-mediated communication maintains the tradition values like the ability of written text but it improve in the way of communication by providing more benefit. Example messages today’s can be sent to groups of any size and can be programmed for such special functions as automatic copying to a specific distribution list.

Social presence theory♥


    If stated about our experience it could be relate with theory of social presence. Based on Christie, William, and Short,

Social presence is a subjective quality of the communication medium and relates to the social psychology concepts of intimacy (determined by physical distance, eye contact, smiling, and personal topics of conversation) and immediacy (determined by the medium’s capacity in transmitting information). (Christie, William, & Short as cited in Johnson & Keil, n.d.)

The statement above proves a good communication will occur with existed elements of intimacy such as physical distance, eye contact, smiling, body language, and so on. Without those elements, the communication process can be considered as not really effective. For example, when we use Skype to communicate, we can see the person we are communicating to and heard their voice. But it still does not good enough because we cannot use our sense of touch and smell due to the obstacle of physical distance. Face-to-face interaction without CMC devices has greater level of social presence. Through face to face communication we could sum up the usage of our brain because “the amount of social presence is the degree to which a user feels access to the intelligence, intentions, and sensory impressions of another” (Tu, 1999). Intact with CMC is not consider a crime in globalization era but it will be awkward in ‘human relationship’ when you able to being talkative in social media but not in reality. Do not know about CMC in modernization do makes you as primitive people, so do follow modernization and preserve the values as human to makes you as a ‘human’ in modernization.

Involvement and experiences in CMC♥
Ready to stalk our experience in CMC? Let’s get started. We believe that many human in the globalization era get really involve in computer mediation communication. There are many experiences we could get throughout our involvement in the computer mediated communication. So don’t be a “scaredy cat” and start to create your own experience through CMC.

No confident in communicating face-to-face??♥
    Based on our experiences, depending too much on computer mediated communication (CMC) might reduce our courage in face-to-face communication skills because we are more frequent to be talkative in social media instead of in the class. If our behavior is consider normal todays? The answer is your choice. Young generations are the most active users of CMC. The evidence can be seen when Malaysia has reached 66% of social media users and most of the users are teenagers and youths (Fatin & Syahir as cited in Rasit, n.d.).

    On our experience as students, we are given a lot of tasks and responsibilities to be carried on. Therefore, in order to make things go faster, we prefer to discuss almost everything through messenger applications such as Facebook messenger and Whatsapp and we also will create a chatting group to makes the members of the group freely “shout out” their opinion and ideas. However, when it comes to face-to-face discussion, the ideas would not be expressed as freely as in the chatting group. It might because we are already being ‘trained’ by CMCs, so-called as ‘keyboard warrior’, rather than speak out openly and confidently. We are freer to speak out in front of “rigid media” than in front human that look like us.


        According on Walther (1996), he point of view from the hyperpersonal perspective the visually of anonymous environment of CMC creates an opportunity for users to achieve more favorable impressions and to develop greater intimacy with other is better than in face-to-face (FtF) situations (Yao & Flanagin, 2006). Shaw & Gant (2002), though experimental work has found out that online communication can be beneficial for self-esteem (Gonzales, 2014). In this form of perspective as a student we feel free to shared our personal information and own interest openly on CMC. Such as on Facebook pages there is many pages based on users interest like; football community and diet club.

SELF images (2)      images (3)

Media Richness Theory♥

Media Richness theory is the other theory that could be related to our other experience as students. Media Richness theory was introduced by Draft and Lengel in 1984. This theory used to describe which method or medium of communication that has the highest ability to reproduce and getting the information (Draf, & Lengel, 1984). One example of media that could relate to media richness theory is e-studies.

E-study (online study)♥


    As a student, computer technologies give much benefit in our studies. There are many types or method provided for us as student If we want to search for information of our studies. Either we want to look out for books or using the facilities of internet and computer technologies to help our study, we can do so, just clicking you web browser, and everything will appear. For us, I more prefer to use e-study, because this method helps us to find more information without using many energy and cost. We think there might a lot of computer user agree with our opinion that e-study really help in consuming our time. More comfort to stay in a freezing room instead walk under the hot sun to go to library just to borrow a heavy book. It looks like we asking the reader to choose whether a hard way or an easy to get to gain knowledge. Well, we do respect for the people who still choose a hard way to gain knowledge but why make lives so hard? Technology revolution makes our life easier to gain information but do not being too lazy to search for knowledge, even you are too lazy to move. You need to sacrifice something to gain something, right?

How Media richness theory relate to “e-studies”?????
    The reason for us to relate our preference on e-studies with the media richness theory is because this theory was the best choice, method and medium to obtain the information. By using e-study, we as a student will be much easier to getting the information that we looking for our studies or assignment. Besides that, e-study for me is a best medium and the best choice for students because student’s life is so busy, they need to balance their life in private, curriculum and academic matter. If we are still using a tradition ways to solve the entire task that being given by our lecturer, we might not catch up with the due date that being decided. So this might affect our studies’ life. E-studies could help our studies life become easier and we could also have our own private life after solve our student’s life. “Neither a wise men nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him” (Brainy Quote, 2015).


Credited to youtube.



    Facebook, Whatsapp, WeChat, LINE and KakaoTalk are some of the most famous and widely used messenger application nowadays. All of these applications help us to communicate in a faster way. As what we had mentioned in the previous article, in a long time ago, messages are delivered through letter. This kind of thing consume lots of time for the message to be delivered to the receiver. It wasted lots of our precious time. In this era of globalization, we just need to press the ‘enter’ button and message will be transferred and processed in a super-fast speed. This situation has been strengthen by Thurlow, Lengel and Tomic which claimed that, “the major developments in technology have found communication being mediated in a number of revolutionary new ways… communication was transformed in some way by enabling mass publication and far greater speed and distance” (Thurlow, Lengel, & Tomic, 2004, p.26).

    However, no matter how fast and efficient the computer mediated communications (CMCs) are, it cannot run away from the reality of having weaknesses as what being encountered by the other things on this planet Earth. The disadvantage of CMC is seen when it is being hack by the hackers. So the intelligence of those CMCs could be undo when our information being hack and it being expose to the public.

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           According to Kraut et, al (1998) used the internet for information, commerce, and communication via e-mail, messaging, chat and social partners are changing the way people communicate with each other. Isolation will happen when someone is overly dependent on the internet no matter whether for education or social media. As a result they become socially isolated and their social relationships of genuine also disconnected. Dependence resulted in an internet network was only willing to express their opinions on social sites and do not take out the relationship with the outside world, this would cause a person marginalized by society as not proficient in socializing with people in reality, this will lead to isolation and depression.

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       Addicted to the internet gaming behavior will affect the health and intelligence. The Borneo post Taiwan that a man dies, the doctor confirmed that he was suffering from heart failure after playing computer games in a long time. Taiwanese dies after Internet gaming (2015). This addiction occurs when a person spends their daily activities on the computer, this is difficult to stop, they will also feel depressed and irritable when they are absent from the internet. This addiction will also affect the people around them, especially their families.


Brainy Quotes. (2015). Retrieved from /wise_man.html.

Draf, R.L & Lengel R.H. (1984). Information Richness: a new media approach to managerial behaviour and organisation design. In Coming, L.L & Staw, B.M (Eds.),   Research in Organisation Behavior (pp. 1991-233). Homewood, IL: JAI Press.

Gonzales, A.L. (2014). Computers in Human Behavior: Text-based communication influences self-esteem more than face-to-face or cellphone communication. vol(39) p.197–203

Hiltz, S.R & Turoff, M. (1978). The network nation. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Johnson, R.D., & Keil, M. (n.d.). Feedback Channels: Using Social Presence Theory to Compare Voice Mail to E-mail. Journal of Information Systems Education, 13(4), 205-302.

Kraut, R., Patterson, M., Lundmark, V., Kiesler, S., Mukopadhyay, T., and Scherlis, W. 1998. Internet paradox: A social technology that reduces social involvement and psychological well-being? American Psychologist ,53,1017-1031post, t. b. (n.d.). 2015.

Rasit, R.M. (n.d.). Mediamorphosis melalui laman web sosial: Dari perspektif sasaran dakwah remaja. Jabatan Dakwah & Kepimpinan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Spitzberg & K. Barge (Eds.), Human communication: Motivation, Knowledge and Skill. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Spitzberg, B.H. (2001). Mediated Communication Competence. In S. Morreale, B.H

Taiwanese dies after Internet gaming. 2015, January 18. Taiwanese dies after Internet gaming binge. The Borneo Post. Retrieved from binge/.

Thurlow, C., Lengel, L. & Tomic, A. (2004). Computer mediated communication: Social interaction and the internet. London: Sage.

Tu, C.H. (1999). On-line learning migration: from social learning theory to social presence theory in CMC environment. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 23, 1-11.

Williams, E. (1977). Experimental comparisons of face-to-face and mediated communication: A review. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 963-976.

Yao, M. Z. & Flanagin, A. J. (2006). Computers in Human Behavior: A self-awareness approach to computer-mediated communication. (22) p. 518–544

The implications of new media to the Malaysian society.


Communication is one of the most important elements in human civilization. “Communication is the cement of identity that makes cultures defines themselves” (Wheeler, 2000, p. 1). Those communications contribute to the existence of the Media that revolved rapidly to new media technologies. The function of new media technologies help to transmit shared symbolic forms and a sense of group culture with a faster speed and nowadays even in a blink of eyes (Wheeler, 2000). The existence of new media invented the digital technologies that create a new sources and location of power that fully documented. The power of new media is portrait as the mechanism of society control (Murray & Scott, 2002). New media technology is the production from the evolution of technology (Rice, 2006). Rice also mention, new media technology has been used worldwide not only in communication but also in many aspects of life.


The Revolution that happened through media contributes a concept of ‘richness’ in new media. The richness of new media gives a lot of positive implication to society. The new media like internet makes people’s life easier. The benefit that being gain from revolution of internet that being consider as new media benefit are “information processing capabilities match, information processing demands and performance will improve. New media contribute to revolution of internet that gives a social presence and affects self- reported performance. The self-reported performance included “quality of work, effectiveness, productivity, ability to obtain information, decision making ability and access to others” (Rice, 1992).

The benefit of new media is personal opinion. Some people think the revolution of media gives a positive effect in their life but there are also several people think their life is not changes to positive path but reverse to negative path through new media.

“For one school of thought the changing market structures associated with the new media indicated a reduced role for classical regulation and its virtually total displacement by competition law.’ For another school the emergence of the Internet presents insuperable problems for classical regulation and alternative mechanisms of control based on self-regulation and architecture are more likely to be effective”. (Murray & Scott, 2002)

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New media is the revolution of media through globalization that world experience. So there are people that willing to accept the changes, while there are some people think being tradition is more essence.

New media in Malaysia give a huge impact to society. Malaysian really takes for granted the revolution of media. Young people in Malaysia very fond to new media, example of the new media are Internet, mobile hand phones, video and online gaming (Baboo, Prasad, Pandian, &Rao, 2013). The reason of their fondness is because they learn through new media.

Young people use media because, they find them fun, exciting and imaginative and because they experience learning through the media. Young people are often fascinated by these new media technologies that offer them thrilling encounters and understanding of the social, cultural and moral facets of the adult world. (Baboo, Prasad, Pandian, &Rao, 2013). Young peoples in Malaysia consider new media as part of their life. New media is being spread through globalization. People accept the new media as the solution or entertainment of their life.

New media also include revolution of media tools. Media tools that always being with Malaysian’s young people is TV, mobile phone and computer. A research had being done on which media tools that young people in Malaysia have in home and which media tools are the most needed?

The top three new media tools found at home are television (96.2%), mobile phone (90.8%) and computer/laptop (87.4%). The percentage shows that television set can be found inalmost every respondent’s home. The rest can be examined in the following chart below: High access to Internet connection: Almost 75.2% of the respondents have access to Internet connection in their homes. Then about 36.8% of respondents consider mobile phone as the most important media tool. The second and third most important media tools are Computer/Laptop (29.5%) and Internet (13.2%) respectively. (Baboo, Prasad, Pandian, &Rao, 2013)

That is how Malaysian really affected by new media. The use of new media mostly related to youth. The research result shows that nowadays at the age of 11-13 years old, Malaysian start to use media games, mobile phones and internet. About 51.0% of respondent start using mobile phone at 11 to 13 years old follows by 14.3% respondent start using the internet before reach 8 years old, while for media games, respondent state that they start at the age of 8 to 10 years old (Baboo, Prasad, Pandian, &Rao, 2013).

That is how new media affected Malaysian through their life. Right now we will start to tell how the new media affect our life based on our own experience. New media has brought implications to our daily life in term of connectedness and connectivity. The development of technology network such as Arpanet, Intranet and Internet has given many positive impacts to the ICT world as well as the society (Ragavan, 2007). Based on our own experience, we feel a great changes in our daily life because of advancement of media technologies especially internet. In the old time, when we were still in primary school, the access to internet was really limited especially in rural area. In order to contact our distant friend and family, we have to use letter. It took about three days to one week to be processed. This situation made us hard to get any information that we need. To get accessed to the internet, we have to go to the nearest town to get better internet connectivity. It was really complicated and burden to us because we need to spend more time, energy and money on it. In addition, it was really hard to possess a computer back then because it was really expensive. Back times, it is really hard to communicate if our friends or relatives live far away from us.

Nowadays, the situation has totally inverted. In this modern era, we can get access to internet almost everywhere and every time. For example, there are free wi-fi provided in many coffee shop and restaurant. In our own home, we can buy broadband and subscribe to many type of internet plans. If we are going outside, we just have to bring along our smartphone, iPad, or tab instead of carrying along our heavy laptop. In rural area, the government has developed a program that provide free internet connection to the villagers which known as ‘Kampung Tanpa Wayar’ (Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission, n.d.). Besides that, through internet, distance is no longer an obstacle for us to communicate because there are many social networks that connect us such as Skype, Whatsapp and Facebook. In addition, for a student like us, our tasks and assignments become easier because we can get a ton of information in a very short time by just using the tip of our finger like through internet. It will help to reduce our financial and time consumption. It was proven by explanation which said that, in any modern society, information now has become easier to get without the obstruction of distance, time, and boundaries (Osman & Rahim, 2001).



Baboo, S. B., Prasad, N. V., Pandian, A., &Rao, A. (2013). Young People and New Media in Malaysia: An Analysis of Social Uses and Practices. Researchers World-Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, 4(2), 50-56.

Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission. (n.d.). Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission. Retrieved from

Murray, A., & Scott, C. (2002). Controlling the New Media: Hybrid Responses to New Forms of Power. The Modern Law Review, 65(4), 491-516.

Osman, N, M. & Rahim, M, H, A. (2001).Internet advertising: Problems and prospecst in Malaysia. Jurnal komunikasi, 159-173.

Ragavan, S. (2007). Penggunaan wireless internet di kalangan pelajar Universiti Malaysia Sabah(UnpublishedDegree dissertationUniversiti Malaysia Sabah). Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, Malaysia. Retrieved from

Rice, R. E. (1992). Task Analyzability, Use of New Media, and Effectiveness: A Multi-Site Exploration of Media Richness. Organization Science, 3(4), 475-500.

Rice, J. (2006). Networks and new media.College English, 69(2), 127-133.

Wheeler, D. (2000). New media, globalization, and Kuwaiti National Identity. The middle East Journal, 54(3), 432-444.

Quotes from John Perry Barlow

“New media, like any chaotic system, are highly sensitive to initial conditions. Today’s heuristically answers of the moment become tomorrow’s permanent institutions of both law and expectation” (New media quotes, 2015).

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